Know Everything About the Upcoming Android 12 : Features & Launch Date Revealed

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When we talk about customization, Android has always been on top of the mobile phone users’ list. It allows you a diverse range of mobile devices to choose from, bringing immense personalized service and eminent user experience. With the improving technology, it not only dispenses a high-quality performance but also equally focuses on security.

Android developers play a crucial role in the growth of the mobile app industry. As reported in 2021, there are more than 3 billion active Android devices worldwide.

With advancement, Android 12 is likely to impress the users this year; it would be a milestone. Google has already released two Beta versions for the public; the first beta on May 18th and the second beta on 9th June. It allows users to feel the new OS. The developers are still working on it, improving the functionalities and taking measures for the feedback received so far. The OS beta versions are new and users are advised to not rely on them at this time. It is more likely for testing and understanding users’ responses.

Android 12 certainly comes with a dynamic notifications UI and will bring an attractive design. If you own the recent Google pixel, you can certainly try the latest beta version on your device. Besides, it will also be available for other devices that meet the hardware criteria.

What are the advanced features that you can see in the latest Android 12?

Android 12 highlights:

1) Color Extraction:

As confirmed by Google, it would be the biggest ever design-oriented change that the users will experience. There is a lot in terms of colour, light and motion. Moreover, it allows you to construct personalized designs, colour palettes and custom widgets. For instance, the system determines the screen wallpaper and will make changes to the different OS colour models. The system automatically updates the colour for notification blocks, lock screens and volume bars. It adds life and makes the system colourful.

The design language is termed as “Material You” which is influenced by the users.

2) Handy Tiles / Quick tools:

Quick tiles are helpful tools that we regularly use for our mobile device operations. We access these tools such as Wifi, mobile data, torch, bluetooth etc. by pulling down the notification curtain. In earlier Android versions, we would possibly find circled icons that are enabled using a single tap. In Android 12, these would be more like big round rectangles with the same functionalities. Likewise, the icons will follow the “Material You” concept and change color as per the system wallpaper and color scheme.

3) Security and Privacy:

Just like iOS, Google has also declared to create a safe environment in terms of data privacy. We can positively see the new privacy feature in Android 12, where users will have a good hold over the app permissions to manage and control their data. As per reports, custom android apps will be cautious while collecting any information from the users; the advancement will make the apps more transparent on their data collection policy.

Android 12 has come up with an updated app privacy dashboard, that allows users to review the different controls accessed by the different mobile apps. Consequently, users can use the dashboard to “On” or “Off” any particular permission for the respective apps.

4) Enhanced Notifications:

We can certainly find a tremendous change in Android 12’s notification centre in terms of usability and functionality. The system concentrates on better responsiveness and prevents users from unwanted third-party app notifications that redirect users from notifications to the mobile apps. Besides, the new OS will verify certain service app notifications before displaying it to the users.

5) Wifi Sharing:

As users have already observed the ease of sharing Wifi through QR code in Android 11, Google is taking it one step ahead by allowing users to share the wifi credentials to the nearby devices even without scanning the QR codes. Users will find the “Nearby” option underneath the QR code in the Wifi settings. Now, users can contribute to multiple devices effortlessly, and dispense a convenient sharing option.

6) Motion and Animations:

Android 12 is all about the feel. Users will experience fluid motion throughout their mobile device usage with every tap, notification and swipe. The device functions so quickly with your touch and responds with different animations and pleasant transitions. For instance, when a user clears the notifications from the lock screen, the clock will take a big shape and appear on the screen.

Nevertheless, it will not impact the battery life and also results in low CPU usage. The device is faster, effective and efficient!

Other Android 12 Features For Users:

  • Splash Screen: There will be a universal screen splash for every app. That means, even if the developer didn’t build it, the same will appear for every app.
  • Screenshot Markup: For pixel devices, users can directly apply texts, stickers and use the paintbrush feature on the screenshot.
  • Lavish Content: Users will certainly have better control over keywords, clipboards, and drag and drop. Users can also insert different media and use it for different sources.
  • Gesture Navigation: Immersive mode to provide better and consistent navigation.
  • Designed Setting Page: A new designed setting page with a search option at the top that allows for quick navigation.
  • Internet Panel: Once clicked on the quick internet panel, it will take the user to a new dedicated internet tile, instead of the Wifi section.
  • Extra Emojis: Users will experience new and updated Emojis in Android 12. More energy to the creative chat users!

Android 12 Features for Developers:

  • Media Transcoding
  • Multi-channel Audio
  • Improved Performance
  • Big Display Optimization
  • AVIF Image
  • Debugging Toggleable Changes
  • Foreground Services


The advancement in the OS will certainly bring more opportunities for custom android apps and android application development services in USA & India. No doubt, the latest technology will be a new experience for users which is expected to release by end of 2021.

Keep following Grey Chain Technology blogs and stay updated with the updated app development trends.

Also read: iOS vs Android: Which platform to build for first?

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Dai Software
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