How To Process Restaurant Mobile App Development: Stats And Checklists?

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Don’t be surprised if you find it common that people explore food items on restaurant mobile apps. In the modern era, even small and medium-scale hotel chains are using the technology to the fullest to enhance their business operations. A mobile app for your restaurant is a handy tool that connects you with your consumers well and keeps them updated about your services.

Mobile app development is a trending topic for IT professionals, enterprises and modern business owners. We can clearly sense that consumers don’t wish to visit web pages to explore services and make an order. Instead, they find mobile applications more convenient to book their daily utilities.

With the introduction of restaurant mobile ordering apps, restaurants have observed a surge in their sales; the technology has changed the whole game for food chains.

Restaurant mobile apps come with constructive features that help different consumers to make an order from your outlet. Not only does it order, but it also supports making a reservation, and checking restaurant information.

Let’s learn about mobile ordering apps for restaurants in detail below:

If you are thinking of building a food ordering application for your food chain, then this is the correct time to hit the market. Below are some interesting restaurant app development statistics that will impress every restaurant owner:

  • By 2023, the online food market is expected to grow to USD 80K millions.
  • 90% of restaurants in the global market employ not more than 50 employees.
  • Around 70% of the restaurants are operating as a single entity.
  • Around 40% of people do prefer to visit or order food from restaurants for eating.
  • Only less than 10% of the restaurants have a mobile app.

Key Components of an Effective Restaurant Online Ordering App in 2021:

LieferBaer Restaurant Mobile App Developed by Grey Chain Design

There are several reasons to get your dedicated restaurant app; to manage your guests, employees and other finances. Similarly, there are some must-to-add features that enhance your app credibility. As per the recent trends and latest technology, we have listed some key restaurant app elements below:

1. Comfortable design:

An app design always needs to be attractive, but it should not be over animated or overwhelmed with graphics. The goal is to add value to the service and help guests with a comfortable interface so that they don’t get bored during their order experience. Everything must be easy to use that works with all client groups (teens to elders).

2. Easy Communication:

Restaurant ordering apps are for everyone. We need to carefully examine how the app will communicate in different areas; menu, item selection, placing an order, payment etc. Everything needs to be precisely planned upfront. Besides, for any issues, users can use multiple options to contact restaurant support. The modern-day communication channels include phone calls, chatbots, email and Whatsapp chat.

3. Offers And Updates:

A mobile app is a constructive source to enhance your brand. It not only has you, new clients, onboard, but also support holding back your existing consumers. Likewise, we can turn the existing users into loyal clients by providing special offers and discounts. A specific area for current offers in the mobile app certainly attracts users; be it happy hours or special event discounts.

4. Safe Payment Method:

Like any other online service, online restaurant booking or food order requires a strong and secure payment system. It is intrinsic to have multiple payment options for the clients’ comfort (credit card, net banking, PayPal etc.). Besides, we need to plan something for the refund accordingly.

5. Reviews and Feedback:

This is really interesting and important. Having feedback from clients on each order is integral as it aids us to identify our flaws and improve forthcoming. It also gives a special feel to consumers that their views matter to the organization.

Why it is useful to have a mobile app for restaurant owners?

A restaurant owner or partner will never invest in any technology until it comes with a product return. Plus, with the booming food industry, they cannot miss on adopting new business strategies. From restaurant dining to delivery at home to taking orders online, the food industry has come a long way.

In the digitization era, mobile app for restaurant ordering (dedicated app or third-party app) has become a basic need, that possesses various benefits such as:

A) Enhanced Bookings:

We are not saying to eliminate the traditional booking system and use only mobile apps for food ordering. The goal is to introduce the technology to users who generally prefer to use mobile apps for restaurant food ordering. The implementation will certainly result in high bookings and also ease the food ordering system for the clients and employees.

B) Brand Recognition:

Mobile apps are an eminent element to grow your brand. It is like upgrading your digital presence and promoting it on an advanced online platform such as Google play store and Apple app store. Your current clients can rate your app, share their feedback and assist in building your reputation as a trusted brand.

C) Agile Ordering Experience:

With the support of mobile apps, users only require their mobile phone with minimal internet connectivity to make an order. That means users can access your restaurant services anytime using a few finger taps on their mobile devices. Likewise, for the restaurant, the employees get quick notification of the respective orders with users’ details. Overall, the mobile applications facilitate the complete process; from making an order to getting it delivered.


Modern-day consumers are smart and make the best use of technology. Be it a car hiring service, banking facilities or food order, they would love to test the innovation. Besides, they are super busy and need every service in all easy ways; they don’t want to get into any complications. A nimble and quality product is required at the end of the day!

If you could make your services simple, comfortable and fast, you get your client!

Related blog: A Detailed Guide For Hiring Remote App Developers For Offshore Development

How to get your restaurant mobile app?

Well, it is strongly advisable to hire an expert to develop your on-demand restaurant mobile app.

GreyChain Technology is a trusted mobile app development company in the US. We have a professional team of android and iOS app developers who are profound in different app development skills; web and mobile application.

Moreover, we follow the latest industry trends and effectively support businesses with native, hybrid and cross-platform development services. We have hundreds of satisfied clients all over the world!

Feel free to share your requirements with the team via email at or reach out to us on phone at +1 (914) 618-5010 (US) and +91 9667665464 (IND).

You can also contact us using our quick app consultation form!