How to Hire A Dedicated iOS App Developer For Developing Your iOS App?

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Want to Hire iOS app developer in 2021? We know that Android users keep a larger share of the market in terms of mobile devices and app usages. Though, we need to also consider that iOS users are mainly known for in-app purchases, using paid applications, making premium purchases and buying other paid products. In terms of revenue, Apple users are the favourites of enterprises.

Not only for the wealthier users, but the platform is also favourable for its security, high standards and other tech benefits. Interestingly, it takes even less development time compared to the Android apps. But, what you need is a reliable skilful iOS app developer.

How to hire the best iOS app developers for your project?

There are different qualities needed to finish an iOS app development project. On paper or in an interview, every developer seems to be excellent, but there’s a lot more that makes them eminent iPhone mobile app programmers. Let’s check some of the imperative tips that will assist you to select the right team for your iOS app development.

Important tips to Evaluate iOS App Developers’ profile:


1) Experience and expertise:

Hire dedicated iOS app developers who are experts with profound knowledge. Having an iOS app developer with relevant platform experience is a plus point. Working on a similar app development requirement, same product, or same-sized project, all are considered a productive working experience. Besides, you can check the number of years that the developer has been dedicated to the iOS industry.

Also, for the virtual iOS developers, check the number of projects that they have worked for. Usually, remote developers work on minimal app requirements that take less expertise and general development skills; review the complexity of the projects that they handled in the past.

The modern iOS app development companies in the USA use much more than simply coding; AI and ML are the tech innovations used to justify the advanced app development needs.

2) Portfolio:

Another constructive way to review a developer’s expertise is to go through their portfolio. This is the best guide that reveals their skill level, experience and industry knowledge. Also, ask for their recent projects and the technology that they have used. This will support you to identify their working style and assist you to take a constructive decision.

Besides, you can review the users’ feedback on the app store or check other review sites on the app performance.

3) Communication:

When it comes to a trusted and effective iPhone app development, it is always considered to work with professionals of similar cultural backgrounds. These dedicated developers dispense value and professional attitude, which certainly facilitate the completion of the project on time without delays.

A fine developer with precise understanding and clear communication prevents confusion among the different departments and provides the expected outcome. Similarly, soft skills are found to be another notable element; it aids in better team management that keeps a respectful environment.

Understanding iOS App Development Grades:

Generally, they are all certified iOS app developers. By grading, we mean the difference in the number of years of experience. Though they have the same tools and are skilled in similar programming languages, there is a difference in the skill-set, the complexity solving capabilities and the number of different tasks that they have worked on. Hence, a higher grade developer can solve or initiate a bug in a quick time than the iOS developer of a low grade.

Basically, there are 3 main grades that distinguish these iOS developers; Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Let’s understand the categories in brief below:

  • Junior: These are professionals who are new to the industry with around 2 or fewer years of experience. Basically, they are appointed to work in liaison with the senior developers and take care of unchallenging tasks. If you already have several senior app developers in the team, then these junior members will be a handy asset for your project.
  • Intermediate: These professionals are little advanced individuals with around 2 to 5 years of development experience. They are well trained and work on both simple and complex app development tasks. They can independently work on most of the development process and may require professional assistance on some advanced development tasks.
  • Senior: These experts are the key players in any app development process. Hiring a senior iOS developer brings you all the expertise and advancement that you need to build an intricate iOS application. These professionals are connected with the industry for 5 years and more and are capable of connecting various technologies to your iOS mobile application. They could easily lead market analysis, research, latest tools and AI integration.

Skills to check in your dedicated iOS app developer for mobile app development:


  • Proficiency in Objective-C or Swift
  • App store awareness (Apple Human Interface Guidelines)
  • Knowledge of Metal and OpenGL
  • Practical experience in Core data framework
  • Understanding UI/UX standards
  • Experience in Xcode IDE
  • Knowledge of APIs and integration

In the first place, your app development team should understand your app development needs, and must feel the business vision. Summarize your app functions, plan your budget, set the deadline, and discuss the project with the team!


An app developer is a crucial member who digitizes your thoughts, company’s products, services and connects you with the public. A reliable functional app certainly adds value to your enterprise; it grows your revenue, popularity and brand worth. It is a pivotal decision to whom you choose for the project.

iOS is an intrinsic platform in different regional markets like the US, Canada, UK, France, Australia and other developed countries. That means, if you are looking to target smartphone users and bring revenue using the mobile app, then the iOS platform will certainly help you to achieve your goals.

We hope that the above information will be fruitful for you, to hire the best iOS app developer for your upcoming iOS mobile application.

Related blog: 6 Major Steps to Develop a Mobile App on iOS

Connect with our team to discuss your iOS app specifications:

Grey Chain technology is a trusted web and mobile app development company, based in the US and India. With years of industry experience, we support our clients with advanced tools, the latest technology and eminent tech support. Our iOS development team is profound in different tools and programming languages and certainly provides satisfactory output.

We can aid enterprises with hybrid, native and cross-platform app development. To know about our expertise and skills, review our portfolio here.

Feel free to get in touch over the phone at +1 914 618 5010 (US), +91 9667665464 (IND); let’s connect for a quick call, and discuss your requirements!

You can also email us your details at, and our team will reach you accordingly.

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