7 step guide to mobile app design and development

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In the era of technology, we find various new ideas getting implemented, and receiving positive responses from people. Every day, a creative app developer is building an app.

Indeed, when we look back in the past, there were smartphones used for calling, email, sending MMS, and recording videos. Did we ever imagine that we can order pizza using our smartphone app, without contacting the pizza company over the phone? Besides, we can track our order and the delivery person. Similarly, we can book a cab, buy clothes, pay our bills, send money to friends (without visiting the bank) and much more, isn’t it amazing!

Mobile apps are user friendly and have become the first choice of the users. With the help of these mobile applications, we carry a bunch of services in our pocket every time.

So, what is the mobile application design process, and how does the mobile app developers in USA make it so easy for the users?

Great things don’t come so easily. It requires a lot of discipline, dedication, and determination to get success. Likewise, the app creators don’t develop the applications overnight. From confirming the idea to testing the platform, it takes a lot before the service is available for the public.

The app development process consists of several useful steps that one needs to follow for developing a mobile application.

7 step to step guide mobile app design & development

Let’s check the 7 step-to-step guides below:

Finalising your Ideas:

A creative team has multiple sharp minds which brings a lot of splendid ideas. So, how to finalize the project which brings you success, or what are the functions that you should add to your mobile application? The goal is to invest your time and energy that pays you effectively.

Certain questionnaires will assist you to make the right first step in your mobile app development process.

You should always ask yourself or discuss the following with the development team:
-Who’s your target audience.
-What’s the app USP (an extra benefit that you provide).
-How the app will help the users.
-How to market your app.

The above pointers will certainly support you to finalize your project. If there are any hesitations, it will be overcome at the beginning of the development process.

Know the market

Once you are ready with your internal ideas, share them with your partners and team. Now, it is time to investigate the market. This step will certainly give a better shape to your ideas discussed with the members. Consequently, you can modify your app features and add extra features to them.

How to do market research?

-Check out your competitors
-Perform surveys
-Speak with your target audience
-Check demand and supply in the market

The mentioned tips will not only brush up on your product/app features but also help to closely know your competitors.

App Wireframe and platform

Once you are satisfied with your app idea (internal and external), you can move on to the wireframe part. A wireframe is considered to be the mobile application design or the blueprint of your mobile application. Moreover, it will give you a clear idea about your end product design and use.

Similarly, you need to select a platform to build the app. Generally, there are 3 major development platforms such as Native app, Hybrid app (Cross-platform), and HTML5 web app.


After all the decision making, you are finally ready to start with the mobile app building. This step involves the coding part and presents the actual feel of the app. The development part consists of preparing different codes, testing, and creating the installation file devices.

Let us understand the components of mobile app development:

3 main components complete the app development process:

  1. Back-end
  2. APIs, and
  3. Front-end

Back-end: Servers are the backbone of mobile applications. Have you ever realized how these useful apps store our data? The component contributes imperative benefits to the whole setup.

API: Application Programming Interface or API is the set of tools used to build software applications.

Front-end: This is a very crucial component. This is the result of the development and changes that we make on the back-end. This is visible to the clients and app users.


Once we are done with the development part, it is our core responsibility to review that all functions are properly working without any flaws. There has to be no bugs or major deficiency in your app. A constructive testing module contains certain checks:

Documentation: The data and information provided in the app have to be correct. Moreover, navigational charts and other layouts have to be checked before the launch of the app.
Functional: Once the app is prepared, we should check each function that they are performing all right. If there is a form, submit it with the details to inspect where the data is landing.
Compatibility: It is imperative to examine the developed app in different devices, operating systems, and networks.
Other testings: User Interface, Performance, Security, Certificates, and others

Beta Version

After all the hard work, it is time for the launch, but be careful. We are already done with testing in the earlier step; however, there are still chances of any missout or improvements. Hence, it is advised to launch the beta version first to know users’ feedback and response. This is a significant strategy to start positively with your main product launch.


No more wait! As you followed all the intrinsic stages; i.e. research, designing the app, development, and testing, you can put the app on Google Play and the Apple store.

Looking for mobile app development experts?

GreyChain is a renowned mobile development service provider in India. We understand our clients and assist them with various custom app development requests.

We are the #1 non-profit app development company in the world with hundreds of happy clients globally. We are leaders in Mobile DevOps and Cloud implementations using Git & AWS technologies.

Contact us and start with your app development today!

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  1. Dai Software

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