Generative AI Services to
Transform your Enterprise in weeks!

Power your enterprise with Generative
AI Services & Accelerators

Accelerate your GenAI journey using pre-built accelerators and custom product engineering
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GenAI Product

Custom build GenAI solutions for your bespoke needs using 60+ pre build accelerators
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Prompt Engineering
& Optimization

Leverage expert prompt engineers to control LLM behavior
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Model Fine Tuning
& Deployment

Train open source LLMs like LLAMA on your proprietary data and deploy to your private cloud
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Hire AI

Augment your engineering teams with our trained expert AI engineers.
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GenAI Research
& Development

Partner with us to build the next generation of AI solutions
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Generative AI

Get access to our exclusive training content and experienced trainers

Generative AI Product
Development is a journey..

IdeationFocus on education & identifying use cases

Pilot to ProductionBuild pilot and fine tune to achieve outcomes

Scale & SustainSuite of UX CoE Products across the lifecycle


Prioritize Use

Build POCUse on the staff models


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Agile Development & Model Behaviour Fine Tuning

ScaleSustainable product & model maintenance

Measure Potential
Value, ROI & Future

Measure Realized Value and
take decisions to invest

Fine Tune includes both prompt
engineering & model fine
tuning methods

Gen AI Product Development

Production Grade Hybrid RAG

With advanced retrieval techniques using embeddings, vision, and graph, build retrieval augmented generation systems for varied use cases.

AI Assistants & Agents

From HR, legal to customer service, create assistants to transform end-user experience.

Conversational Business Intelligence (BI)

Connect databases and tabular data to our custom business intelligence solution to extract insights for instant reporting and deep dives.

LLM Powered Sentiment Analytics

Built for thousands and millions of rows of verbatim data, we can generate powerful analytics for faster decision-making, saving thousands of dollars in analysis costs.

AI-based Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Move beyond traditional Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and use LLM brains to perform actions and automate any part of your process.

Automated Document Generation

Integrate your organization templates to generate documents in a ready-to-consume format.

Organizational Knowledge Management

Connect or upload all your organization content to have a deep search & insights platform.

Production Grade Hybrid RAG

With advanced retrieval techniques using embeddings, vision, and graph, build retrieval augmented generation systems for varied use cases.

AI Assistants & Agents

From HR, legal to customer service, create assistants to transform end-user experience.

Conversational Business Intelligence (BI)

Connect databases and tabular data to our custom business intelligence solution to extract insights for instant reporting and deep dives.

LLM Powered Sentiment Analytics

Built for thousands and millions of rows of verbatim data, we can generate powerful analytics for faster decision-making, saving thousands of dollars in analysis costs.

AI-based Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Move beyond traditional Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and use LLM brains to perform actions and automate any part of your process.

Automated Document Generation

Integrate your organization templates to generate documents in a ready-to-consume format.

Organizational Knowledge Management

Connect or upload all your organization content to have a deep search & insights platform.

Boost AI Productivity with
Our Flexible, Scalable

Use cases of Generative AI Accelerators

Build your AI Intellectual Property using our accelerators for quick and easy deployment

knowledge management

Knowledge management platform

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

marketing research

Marketing Research Engine

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

customer service

Customer Service Assistant

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

cross selling

Cross Selling Agent

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

booking scheduling agent

Booking & Scheduling Agent

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

hr policy assistant

HR Policy Assistant

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

hr letter generator

HR Letter Generator

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

proposal generator

Proposal Generator

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

legal contract

Legal Contract Helper

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

legal ops agent

Legal Ops Agent

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

healthcare knowledge

Healthcare Knowledge Assistant

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

post operative

Post Operative Care Assistant

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

enterprise data

Enterprise Data Assistant

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

advanced sentiment

Advanced Sentiment Analytics Tool

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

kyc process

KYC Process Automation

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

back office process

Back Office Process Automation

Enable your organization with centralized AI driven content management and Hybrid Search with deep insights.

Service 02 Prompt Engineering & Optimization

Leverage expert prompt engineers to control LLM behavior

Intelligent Prompt Optimization

Our Agent Framework simplifies the creation, deployment, and management of intelligent agents. Designed for flexibility and scalability, it empowers developers to build robust AI-driven applications quickly and efficiently.

Contextual Understanding

Our Agent Framework simplifies the creation, deployment, and management of intelligent agents. Designed for flexibility and scalability, it empowers developers to build robust AI-driven applications quickly and efficiently.

Dynamic Prompt Templates

Our Agent Framework simplifies the creation, deployment, and management of intelligent agents. Designed for flexibility and scalability, it empowers developers to build robust AI-driven applications quickly and efficiently.

Real-Time Feedback & Analysis

Our Agent Framework simplifies the creation, deployment, and management of intelligent agents. Designed for flexibility and scalability, it empowers developers to build robust AI-driven applications quickly and efficiently.

Service 03 Co-Pilot Studio

Pre-built solutions for faster development and reduced costs.

Document Understanding

Seamlessly interpret and analyze uploaded documents, extracting key insights and context.

Document Understanding

Seamlessly interpret and analyze uploaded documents, extracting key insights and context.

Document Understanding

Seamlessly interpret and analyze uploaded documents, extracting key insights and context.

Document Understanding

Seamlessly interpret and analyze uploaded documents, extracting key insights and context.

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Service 04 LLM and Cloud

Service 05 Gen AI Learning and Training



Enable AI to adapt and improve over time through ongoing training with new document inputs.



Customize AI models to understand and respond to nuances within uploaded documents.



Incorporate user feedback to refine AI responses and enhance accuracy in document interpretation.



Utilize a scalable training infrastructure to handle large volumes of document data efficiently.

gen ai learning

Service 06 Model Fine Tuning

Pre-built solutions for faster development and reduced costs.

Customized Model Optimization

Iteratively enhance model performance with uploaded document sets.


Iterative Learning

Iteratively enhance model performance with uploaded document sets.


Adaptive Responses

Refine model parameters based on dynamic interactions.


Efficient Deployment

Deploy optimized models swiftly for immediate integration into production environments.

Service 07 AI Engineering Staff Augmentation

Enhance your application’s capabilities with our AI Engineering Staff Augmentation services

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ai powered document processings

AI-Powered Document

Enhance your application’s capabilities with our AI Engineering Staff Augmentation services, specifically designed for document-intensive projects. Our expert engineers seamlessly integrate with your team to develop sophisticated AI solutions that analyze and interpret uploaded documents. By leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, our staff ensures your application can accurately extract and process data, turning unstructured information into valuable insights.

Success Stories

Discover the impact of Our Work. Start your success journey with us!

Unlock Expert Insights with IMU's Proprietary Networking Tool

  • Quickly connect with industry experts in India and globally.
  • Gain valuable insights to enhance client offerings.
  • Utilize IMU's exclusive tool for seamless expert networking.

Crafted Prompts for Optimal AI Responses

  • Optimizes prompts for better AI responses.
  • Ensures prompts are customized for accuracy and relevance.
  • Extracts the most accurate and relevant responses from AI models.

Crafted Prompts for Optimal AI Responses.

  • Effortlessly register, submit, and manage proposals.
  • Leverage analytics and reporting features for better outcomes.
  • Communicate effectively with vendors and track responses easily

Optimize AI Responses with advanced algorithms

  • Utilizes advanced algorithms for prompt refinement.
  • Customizes prompts to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • Extracts precise and relevant responses from AI models.
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